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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Peer Assessment on Front Cover

Yesterday in our lesson we went around looking at everyone's first document. Mine was the first to be looked at and I got the following feedback-

Good use of house style
Consistent colours (Red, black, white)
Good use of lighting
Good masthead and pun

Could do with more cover lines
Possibly a big cover line in the centre of the page
Mixed opinions on whether the masthead was difficult to read against the background

I was pretty pleased with my feedback from my peers as it was mostly positive. The main problem from what I gathered from the feedback was that I need another cover line somewhere on the page as there is not enough pull towards the magazine, so I think I will just add in a small cover line in a bit of space that I can find as I dont want to change to whole composition of the page. I dont really agree that the masthead is hard to read as to me it seems quite easy so I think I will just keep it like it is.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Magazine Front Cover Draft

This is the first draft for my front cover. I have also uploaded the original image and the front cover without the background image so you can compare.

Friday, 13 January 2012