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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation

For our preliminary task we had to make a front cover for a ICT based college. Because of this we decided to make it computer related.

We have named our free magazine 'Information Highway'. Initially we were going to name it 'Your College' however we felt that it needed to be related to computers/ICT as that is what the college teaches, and the students are more likely to pick it up if they know it is to do with their courses.

For our front cover image we decided that we needed to have a picture related to computers/ICT. We ended up using a picture of myself interacting with a circuit board which was taken by my partner Jake Taylor. We took about 10 images in this position, half of me and half of jake, and decided that this one was the best. This was because of the range of bright colours and good composition. I think it is also good because it shows the circuit board in the foreground which the students will probably find interesting and want to pick the magazine up. Last week we took a photo of jake pointing at the circuit board which we thought we were going to use until yesterday, when we realised that we needed some room above the main subject for the mast head. As well as this there wasn't any room down the sides for the sub headings advertising the features inside the magazine. Also his face wasn't visible as he was looking down towards the circuit board on the floor. 

There are a few things which I would change if I did this again. Firstly although I like the picture I think that the background is quite distracting so maybe next time I would take it against a simpler background. Also I would probably spend more time trying to find better fonts on websites like Another thing that I would of done is to make the subheadings smaller and more catchy.

Overall I am happy with how the preliminary task has gone.

Preliminary Task Front Cover

This is the front cover of our Computer College free magazine.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Preliminary Task Photos

I think this is the best photo we took. It shows possibly what students may get up to at the school with the good use of props.

I like this one because of the simpilicy. All it is is some hands typing on a keyboard- however if it was on a front cover I think it would be quite clear to what type of school it was advertising.

I think this one is also quite good as it shows the Computer in use, however it was taken in landscape which is not ideal for a portrait front cover.

I dont think this photo would work very well for a front cover as not much is happening. It would be better used somewhere inside the magazine to advertise the facilities.

These are the photos we have taken to possibly use for our front cover for a Computing School magazine.

Preliminary Task

Preliminary excersise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close up plus some appropriately laid out text and mast head. Additionally candidates must produce a mock up of a contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

First Blog Post

Web 2.0 is the internet viewed as a medium in which interactive experience,in the form of blogs, 
wikis, forums, etc, plays a more important role than simply accessing information.
Mediation is the process by which a media text represents an idea, issue or event to us.
Proliferation is a rapid increase in numbers. In media I think this means that alot of new people have access to lots of different forms of media.
Saturation is used to describe the extent to which our experience of the world is dominated by media.
Media is the means of communication, as radio or television, newspapers and magazines, that reach or influence people widely.

When media products are 'shared' I think this means that a lot of different people can experience the same form of media.
In countries like Burma , China and Ethiopia media is very strictly regulated because the government want to control the very fast growth of it and in some cases dont want bad stories/criticism of the government getting out.
Media Convergence generally means the intersection of new and old media. It can also mean the mixture of different media platforms, and the mixture of different media industries. 
Media is very important in today's society because everyone relies on it to interact with other people, and to find out anything they need to know. If the amount of media in our society was decreased almost everyone would be affected in some way and would find it hard to get used to life without it.